
emerald - acrylic - skull

acrylic emerald skull ring from greedysassy

c e m e t i a r t h o u s e

Last Saturday, my best buddy and I finally went to Cemeti Art House. After a long long time craving to visit this place , I finally did it. I can't say how grateful I am to have a buddy such as Harun. Okay he is my highschool buddy and has this quite adventurous and cheerful personality. He is really excited to visit many places and I am glad that I am the part of it. 

First of all, we got lost when we search this place cause the place was soo beyond expected. The frontyard was covered with many plants and big trees. I mean who can really guess that it's actually an art house.The place is not really big, it's very small actually. But they have quite many paintings and few pieces of sculpture and they also sell some of the paintings. I even had a chance to ask the museum keeper ( I don't know how to say it) one of the paintings which I like the most, and it worth ten million rupiah. Wow, what an amazing price. I totally wish can buy that painting someday in the future.

I actually felt little disappointed cause they didn't hold the exhibition that I wish to see but at least I already had a chance to visit this place. I love the pink wall they have (you can see in my picture). The color is such a mood booster. I hope I can paint one of the room in my house with this color. Well, if you really curious to visit this place,it is located in D.I.Panjaitan Street Number 40 and if you get lost don't be ashame to ask the people. One last word, I also wanna say many many thanks to my friend Rara for letting me borrow his awesome SLR. See yaa

 + black shirt from mom

+ military vest from Zara

+ jeans from Zara

+ black skinny belt from mom

+ black shiny loafer from loveliness

+ black handbag from longchamp