

Anrealages heels F/W 2011
Imaginary Foundation Study Tee by Mimm

Monkey Light 8-bit Bike Wheel Light

the missing pants

For the last few days , I've been pretty upset and disappointed with the service of my place. Because they offer free laundry to the resident but they don't take this thing seriously. I mean that after I receive my laundries, the're still in mess and don't smell really good , don't they iron it? I mean it's fuckin annoying after you pay pretty expensive in here.
The things I hate the most is that I already lost my favourite super comfy dark jeans like couple months before and now I lost my black pants again? What the hell right? But this time I realize that my pants is missing a bit sooner than the other one, so I hope I can find it and it doesn't make the second time I lost my pants. Maybe it's a bit too much for a pants, but hey it's our investment right, and I have this little OCD where I can't get lost any of my stuff even if it's a pen. I just hope I can find it, see yaa.

Have a nice breakfast !!


simple shine

 Playing with my new accessories. 
I have been buying these things when I was on holiday but 
I had no change to post it out, so here it is. 

+ long shiny earring from Topshop
+ black flare hat from The Executive 

+ my shiny sheer beaded top from Zara